Jason helped me discover things about myself that I didn’t even realize were important to me. Now, I am on a different career path and couldn’t be happier.
— Charlene W - Former HR Director turned Business Owner


The human element of business is a bigger factor now than ever before. The Great Resignation. Unprecedented layoffs. People Quietly Quitting at their desks. Folks hating their job or their boss, but afraid to make a change. Young professionals terrified of getting trapped in an unfulfilling career. And a higher expectation of both companies and employers of one another than ever before.

Are you ready to make a change, but not sure how?

If you feel like you are living an Accidental Life or stuck in an Unfulfilling Career, we should talk. I help visionary leaders recognize and maximize their Human Potential for themselves, for their people, and for their organizations. I work with individuals to identify their purpose and create a plan to live their best, most successful, and most fulfilling life. We are all living our Human Experience. Let’s ensure yours is the one you want. Sometimes a conversation can make all the difference in the world.

Let’s Discover Your Pivotal Moment!

I love helping people define their challenge and break down walls to realize their potential. Simple solutions work wonders. To help people avoid an Accidental Life or an Unfulfilling Career, we will…

  • Find Your P>O>W>E>R (Personally Optimized Work & Energy Routine)

  • Employee Vs. Owner - Answer the question, “Should you be an employee, or an owner? Using a Decision Matrix and Pivotal Moment Identification, determine your true path.

  • Behavioral Insight - Using data to understand your drivers and opportunities to align your career, matching who you are with what you do.

  • Size & Prioritize - Discover success by saying “No”, and using Deep Work and Tiny Habits approaches to optimize how you do work.

  • Plan Your Career - Behavioral Coaching, Resume Review, Mock interviews to define your dream work environment and prepare you for your dream job.

  • Understand the Great Reflection - Uncover the drivers of dissatisfaction and plan a path forward to manifest an intentional life.

  • Deal with People - Strategies and mechanics to managing a difficult boss, a stubborn peer, and misaligned teams.